Maybe we should buy a big S.U.V. so John can get to work, etc!
Plus, wouldn't it help the auto industry?!!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Posted by
8:26 PM
Advent In
A theme for the season of Advent is waiting, and there are different kinds of waiting.
Monday, I had my annual appointment with my family ("regular") doctor, Dr. Stacy O'Dowd, who keeps track of things like my thyroid. It was good to see her again.
She gave me the report that my mammogram from last week was clear. Good news!
She also said my thyroid was stable (I'm hypothyroid).
She also gave me an EKG, which she said was fine. I am thankful for each piece of health.
However, my urine sample (this blog is not for too dainty for basic body fluids) had a "little blood" in it. They sent it out to check for infection. Either way, I have to return for a recheck the Monday after Christmas. So this week, I have been waiting (not always patiently) to hear results. (I don't have lymph nodes to help with such things!) A nurse told me Wednesday (results not in yet then) that if the next check still were still not normal, they would sent me to a urologist. I have been hoping for the most simple possible explanation, thinking perhaps if there is an infection, I can take some medicine and it will be all better. The end.
They had said the results might be in Wednesday or Thursday, so today, I called the office again to ask. However, the recording said the office was closed. I assume because of the weather.
Wanting to take care of it before the weekend, I eventually called the on-call doctor, who somehow found out the results were negative. No bacteria found. Is this good news? Who knows? But I stopped being concerned about getting medicine right now. My plan had been to give them a phone number for a pharmacy within walking distance.
Did I mention that we could not get our car out today? After John cleared the driveway, he pulled into the unplowed street, trying to just stay in the tire tracks of those who had gone on before. However, the car kept getting stuck, and he managed to rock his way back into the driveway and into the garage.
He walked about a mile to a local grocery store for a few essentials. (Ok, the truth is, he was out of coffee.)
I am having fond Traverse City memories, where a dear farmer from our congregation (Jeff Aprill) always just appeared and plowed us out. I appreciate that even more today.
The snow is beautiful. It was John's day off, so though he shoveled a lot and did some work from home, he was not stressed by not being able to get out.
For James, however, that meant he could not get to Plymouth for work (could do some work from home) nor later, to Sarah's in Monroe.
As for Carrie, I talked to her a moment before 6:00, when her flight was about to leave from Dallas to Philadelphia. She had been in L.A., California a couple days for work.
Coming home. Leaving home. Being home. The wait in between.
Posted by
6:48 PM
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The Year of the Perfect (Wild) Christmas Tree
Every year, my dad says we should come up to cut our Christmas tree at his place. Every year, I thank him, but of course, with schedules and weather, it does not seem practical.
However, this year, we went. Drove up Friday. Back home Saturday (which is also my sister Bonnie's birthday!).
We also combined it with James and Sarah, and a trip they had already planned to Frankenmuth. On th e way up, we ate chicken at Zehnder's, and made a quick stop at Bronner's. I had never been to those places before.
We had a good visit with my folks, and bundled up very good for our walk in deep snow to choose our tree. Brrr. Very cold. But very beautiful! The tree is perfect, of course!
Back at home, when John set up the tree, and unbound the branches, we had a hearty laugh. It takes up most of the living room!
Posted by
12:07 AM
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Today was the day for my mammogram.
A bit of adventure.
A new place, because of moving.
I found it just fine.
The technician was very kind.
And... it only took about 10 minutes all together!
What a great beginning to a day!
Then I started out to the car.
No keys in my pocket.
No keys in my purse.
Oh, dear, maybe I left them in the car (the ignition?).
I do not remember.
I walked past rows of cars and found mine.
I was prepared to peer into the window.
But there on the ground, beside the driver's door, were my keys!
I must have laid them in my lap while gathering my papers.
Wow, am I thankful!
Posted by
2:03 PM
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Growing Hair/Thought
I realize that I have been sounding rather dismissive of hair. If someone noticed that my hair was growing back (or if I pointed out that I have eye brows and lashes), I may have described how it first just seemed a whispy white/gray, but more recently seems to be developing a little color. But then I might add that is it just hair, and it does not even matter if I have it.
In all of life, yes.
Hair is not more important than it is.
But also, it is not less important.
It is what it is.
And why not give thanks?
With joy!
Posted by
4:06 PM
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Three Months!
"My next CT scan is in three months."
Three months!
Three months?
Wow. That seems so far ahead, in the context of this year's events.
I have been used to thinking in 4-week increments.
A kind of cycle, everything hinging on chemotherapy.
- Chemotherapy.
- 24-hours later, go back for the bone-marrow-booster shot.
- Two weeks later, go to the hospital for a blood draw.
- The week before chemotherapy, Doctor's appointment.
- Two days before chemotherapy, another blood draw.
- Chemotherapy.
- 24-hours later, bone-marrow-booster shot...
- Recover from chemotherapy and get ready for the next one.
I am not used to looking ahead three months!
I am not complaining.
But I am not giving up my being grateful-for-each-moment either.
Cars and Puppies: Long-term commitments
There are lots of reasons to have one car right now, including financial, encouragement to exercise my body with walking, being conscious of the environment...
But yes, one consideration in the back of my mind is the time commitment.
Leasing for two-three years?
Same with a puppy, only longer.
Still, in the meantime...
On our walk at the mall yesterday, Sue C. and I stopped by the pet store and were warmly greeted...

Photo credit: Sue C. and her phone. Thanks!
Posted by
3:15 PM
Thursday, December 4, 2008
So Far, So GOOD!
I just arrived home from today's appointment with Dr. Malviya.
Everything seems fine.
CT Scan Report
And the Nov. 24 CT scan still does not show any sign of cancer return.
(I have not seen that expression of praise and thanksgiving in the Bible, but it seems to work for the moment!)
The next CT scan will be in three months.
And I will not see Dr. Malviya again for 4 months from now!
In the meantime, please keep his family and friends in India in prayer.
Thank you, thank you, thank you... for prayers, for caring, for reading.
Posted by
1:52 PM
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thank You
I had not expected to hear the results of my CT scan (from a week ago) until my Dr. appointment on Wednesday. But when Maureen called from the office on Friday, I thought she might be calling with the results. No, she just needed to change my appointment to Thursday. That is fine.
We are beginning the season of Advent now, a time of waiting. So we all wait sometimes.
Last week
I was glad to celebrate Thanksgiving with family last week! (One never knows about the weather, but it worked out.) Mom and Dad drove down from Fairview/Comins. Bonnie and Charlie drove in from Erie, PA (with Penny the sweet dog). And Carrie drove in from Philadelphia (and gets the prize for the longest distance!). We all met at Allan's for dinner on Thursday. Uncle Buel and Aunt Betty and cousin Larry came over too (the rest of their family is out west). James, Sarah, Kendall, Eric, Jason, Kaitlin, Heather, A.J. (and the new puppy), Kevin Bargy (who stopped in).... It was so good to see everyone!
Friday, Mom and Dad went to the zoo with John and me to see the butterfly house and the aviary, but we (bundled up and) saw lots of outdoor animals as well. (Our Royal Oak tourist trip.) That evening, John's mom came over for dinner. Saturday morning, the folks left, and later Carrie left (as the weather looked more active on Sunday).
Saturday night, I realized my legs were a bit swollen. Oops! I must have been on my feet too much. They recovered quickly though.
Sunday night, our Disciple Bible study theme was the "Songs of the Heart" from Psalms. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Brutal honesty. Flowery praise. It's all in there. I am drawn to different parts each time I study them.
I love the Lord, because he has heard
my voice and my supplications.
Because he inclined his ear to me,
therefore, I will call on him as long as I live.
The snares of death encompassed me;
the pangs of Sheol laid hold on me;
I suffered distress and anguish.
Then I called on the name of the Lord:
"O Lord, I pray, save my life!"
Gracious is the Lord, and righteous;
our God is merciful.
the Lord protects the simple;
when I was brought low, he saved me.
Return, O my soul, to your rest,
for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you.
For you have delivered my soul from death,
my eyes from tears,
my feet from stumbling.
I walk before the Lord
in the land of the living.
I kept my faith, even when I said,
"I am greatly afflicted".....
What shall I return to the Lord
for all his bounty to me?
I will lift up the cup of salvation
and call on the name of the Lord,
I will pay my vows to the Lord
in the presence of all his people.....
Psalm 116 (selected verses)
I especially liked that part about "I walk before the Lord in the land of the living".
It is very intentional.
I am thankful to God for breath and all of life.
I am thankful to family and friends for all your care and attention and prayers...
Thanks for reading!
And may God bless you!
Posted by
1:43 PM