Chemotherapy #7 Afterward
I last wrote two weeks ago, the day of chemotherapy #7. I have felt really pretty good. I only noticed my stomach feeling affected once, but I walked it off, and did not have to use the anti-nausea medicine (which is binding). My feet did not feel as affected as I remembered from last month, so I think the vitamin B6 Dr. Malviya suggested may be helping. (He said 50 mg, but I could only find 100 mg., so I was cutting them in half. At my last appointment, he said to just take the whole tab, as they are water soluble anyway and will just leave my system.)
Also, at my last appointment, I commented that I would like to say that I have HAD cancer. Dr. Malviya smiled, and said that people frame things how it works best for them. But scientifically (I am paraphrasing), it would be more accurate to use the past tense after five years. So, I suppose a long-term goal would be birthday #58.
Also, at my last doctor's appointment, I asked if I could go on my mom's traditional women's retreat (Win-some Women) in October (as in my understanding, I would have had my chemotherapy #9 by then). He asked how long I would be gone, and I said less than a week. He said to GO! So my sister Bonnie registered us today! (We do have to wait for an acceptance letter.)
Wednesday, July 30
...I had my Neulasta shot, which brings on some aches, but is SO valuable in helping me to be strong enough to be around people! It was good to see Robin back in the office too.
...the day I expected to be the lowest, I mostly hung out at home. I missed Kent's call, but did see sparkling Candy.
Friday, August 1
... I would have loved to have seen Theresa and Kathy's ukulele group (had I gotten around early enough, but as it turned out, needed my sleep). John and I did stop by Ford Field later to see how Lloyd was doing with set-up for Saturday's classsmate gathering at Dearborn's Homecoming.
His work was done, but we hung around a bit there, and also ran into Kent! I was hungry (Is that the steroids, or do I just enjoy food that much?). So I had corn-on-the-cob, plus an Italian sandwich with green peppers and onions. I know I have been somewhat careful about eating "healthy", but it did have vegetables and tomato sauce.
We also had picked up Saturday's cake that morning and brought it to John's mom's to be refrigerated until Kathy would pick it up on her way to Homecoming on Saturday midday.
Saturday, August 2
Homecoming and Reunion
Edsel Ford High School 1973
I expected this to not be my personal best timing, as I did not expect peak energy. But I loved seeing people at the daytime Homecoming and evening Class Reunion, so they helped me to soar above expectations.
People came from a distance too, ex.(at Homecoming) Janey from Grand Rapids (who also spent the night with us), Terry and Tom from Chicago (who also brought flowers!), John and Jon from Chicago, Susan from Chicago, Kent from Florida, Janis from Florida, Cheryl from California, Len from Colorado, Gary from Connecticut, and Larry from New Jersey.
That evening, I gave thanks 1) that God is always with us; 2) that God always loves us; 3) and for the gathering and food.
Reunion Clothes
I have a little personal joke that may be becoming less private.
I have a Homecoming dress that is the traditional garment I wear each year to Homecoming, my sugar sack dress. It started out just as something that would be both comfortable and covering from all day in the sun. Now, I think people might not recognize me if I wore something else.
I also have a Reunion dress that I have worn for three Reunions. I did not start out to make a tradition. I bought it ten years ago at a good sale. Five years ago, I realized I had not worn it much, and Who would even notice or would care what I wore? So I decided I would wear it again, and that if it fit, I might just keep wearing it!
In Person
I enjoy the email communications I have with classmates. But I noticed a deeper satisfaction from seeing them in person. There is no substitute for sitting down face-to-face, and it is good to do so now and then!
Bill A.
Life's road is not all highs. I also received email that our Florida friend, Bill A. (an e-mail buddy, but from my parents' age), was in the hospital, seriously ill. He is since doing better, a serious prayer recipient.
Clare - Sad news
a.k.a Grandma Genitti, died last week, and I saw (my Italian) family at visitation, but could not also make the funeral. Dear Clare sure had spunk!
Rest of last week - Friday and Saturday
We enjoyed two wedding celebrations (John officiated), one for Matthew and Amanda and one for Dave L. and Marion. In the first, the groom's father was his best man. In the second, the best man was the groom's son. Good family times to be welcomed into.
Another fun part, we met and sat with Elaine Eason Steele and Anita Peek at the Saturday reception. They are involved with the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self-Development. What good conversation!
Sunday, I attended a Memorial Service at Dearborn Free Methodist Church for Cliftine, and saw many dear "old" friends (including Cheryl H., now in Illinois) and family members from my childhood Calvary Baptist Church.
Our Royal Oak church continued to be a welcoming place. John and Sheryl S. hosted a "Meet and Greet" last Monday night, where a fun and lively group gathered.
As for food
....Both Candy (Shepherd's Pie) and Kip (Tabouleh) each provided delicious and healthful dinners! Much appreciated!
Monday with a New Neighbor
Walking with another person really helps me to get out, especially in my maze-neighborhood! So classmate Sue C., who now lives within walking distance (almost), came over to share a walk!
Tuesday, CT Scan and Blood Draw Day
Sunday, after the memorial service, John Sullivan told me his Tuesday 6:30 a.m. men's prayer group would pray for me. I loved and appreciated that. Sometimes, I do feel a sheer white fear, but it is mostly passing, thanks largely to dear people who pray for me.
My previous CT scans had been at the Novi campus of Providence Hospital, and my most recent blood draws had been from Beaumont Hospital, so we had to find our way to new places and with new faces at the Southfield Providence now (because of moving). Everyone was kind and helpful. Before, I drank three large cups of clear tasteless liquid contrast. Here, I drank one milkshake-type cup of barium contrast.
I wondered if they could do the whole thing with one poke, get out the blood they needed, then use the same hole for the IV. It made sense enough to ask the question. But no, they do not do that. Oh well.
Since I had fasted for a day and a half, I looked forward to eating lunch! So John took me out! Lucky me, as now he is on vacation for a few days.
I also finally joined the zoo (online) today. Last winter, when we first heard we had been assigned to move to Royal Oak, the first thing I thought about the new place was "They have a zoo!" So today was my catch-up-on-blog day, and maybe a zoo day. We still may go if it stops raining. (It stays opened later on Wednesdays.)
Results of CT Scan
According to my notes, I noticed that Gail (the nurse) called the day after my last CT Scan to say it was clear. So it is a good thing that Jasmine (CT tech) told me Dr. Malviya would have the results in "3-5 business days". So by the time they get back to me, it could be longer. I am glad she told me that so I did not expect them today.
How long is chemotherapy?
The last I knew, I expected 8-9 cycles. But nothing is set. And the results of this CT Scan are important in determining direction. Hopefully, all is clear! No new tumors. (There is no simple blood test to tell if treatment is working.)
Prayer Thought
Someone recently wrote to me about the "ask, seek, knock" scripture. She wrote about a young relative who held on to that passage through a fast leukemia diagnosis and death.
1) Ask, seek, knock in response to a loving caring God, with the awareness that it is not necessarily a recipe to get whatever we want in our time, but it directs our attention to the One who provides life.
2) Ask, seek, knock in a personal unique response to that mighty loving God.
Regardless of circumstances in anyone else's life.
They may get what they want.
They may not.
But if I do, it is not at someone else's expense and it does not upset a heavenly balance.
(It certainly occurs to me, why should I get health and not someone else?)
It is a mystery.
I do not understand and cannot explain any lack in the world.
But we still ask, seek, knock... expecting God's answers and blessings and abundant life.
I do believe that is what He wants.
Another seeming random thought.
For much of my life, I had long hair.
I had heard stories that my Grandma Ryan once had hair long enough to sit on.
Mine seemed to stop short of that goal, but it was long all through my growing-up days.
Sometimes, other children (or even adults) would say something like,
"Don't ever cut your hair," or "I'll never speak to you if you ever cut your hair."
My hair seemed to give me value.
I would like to think I was completely humble about my appearance, but of course not.
However, now, with no hair (or only a bit of fuzz), I realize that my hair was not my source of pride.
One does not need to have anything special to experience vanity.
So vanity or humbleness are more inner attributes and not dependent on physical features.
Time to close for now.
Once again, thank you.
Thank you for reading, for caring, and mostly for praying.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
CT Scan Day & Other Days
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5:48 PM
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