Yesterday, John and I made another quick trip, to Muskegon to pick up John's mom from a visit with childhood friend Doris.
West Michigan has been "home" for most of our adult lives, including raising our family there. It was hard to pass through so briefly. However, we did squeeze in a few minutes to put our feet in Lake Michigan. (I wore water shoes, which would please Dr. Malviya.)I remember the song:
I’ve got peace like a river…
Joy like a fountain…
Love like an ocean…
Maybe there should be a verse for Lake Michigan.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Lake Michigan - Healing Waters
Posted by
5:44 PM
"Future" Thoughts
Recently (again), I have been thinking about the concept of "future", of how it is really beyond my control, so what should I think about it?
On the one hand, it seems naive, even arrogant, to assume the future.
On the other hand, it seems depressing to assume no future.
Actually, no one knows exactly what "the future" holds.
But it is life-affirming to remember the love of family and friends, all woven together into a picture larger than I can imagine, all holding me up to a warm healing place close to God.
At this place in my journey, my tests say that I am stable. My emotions may not always be. And yet, I know God's great healing love, often through the kindness of others, gives me strength. I pray that for you as well, if you ever may have those "moments".
May God fill your life with healing love and joy.
[From a note I wrote to a friend.]
More on “Future”:
- "...The worship of the church locates us, precisely between a past we reverently remember,
and a future in which we firmly believe..."
- "...Our future may be beyond our vision,
but it is not completely beyond our control..."
Senator Edward Kennedy quoting his brother Robert, as told by Rev. Hession
Rev. Mark R. Hession (Of Our Lady of Victory, Centerville, Masssachusetts)
at the funeral of Senator Edward Kennedy 8-29-09
Funeral transcript
Funeral details
Jeremiah's encouragement to the exiles:
"For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord,
plans for your welfare and not for harm,
to give you a future with hope."
Jeremiah 29:11
Posted by
5:27 PM
Tiger Baseball
I said I would go with John and his Confirmation Class to a Tiger Baseball Game.
However, it rained that day.
It rained that night.
We went anyway.(I considered staying back, not wanting to sit in soaking rain.)
However, the rain let up for most of the game.
Ah... What fun. I admit I was excited just to see the field!
And besides that, the Tigers won!
Posted by
5:25 PM
Tim Up North
When Cousin Tim was still in town from Texas, John and I drove him up north for a fun quick overnight visit with my parents. There was some rain, but we were still able to walk in the fields and woods both days.
How beautiful!
How musical was the sound of the wind in the trees!
And how peaceful was the gentle breeze on our faces!
Fresh air...
Sign of bear...
Oh yes... watch where you walk.
Posted by
5:19 PM