It is springtime, and Wednesday was my first oncologist appointment since December.
Dr. Malviya said it is time to move on and address issues for the quality of my future life, such as bone density. ("Future life" has a rather musical sound, I think.)
Since it has been over a year since my hysterectomy, we need to watch for signs of osteopenia (bone thinning) or osteoporosis (porous bone). So he prescribed, and I scheduled, a Dexascan ( for Monday. Wait, do I need insurance pre-approval, as I do for a CT scan? Too bad I did not think of this before the weekend. I will have to find out.)
He also emphasized that I need to make sure I am getting enough calcium (such as a combination of one 600 mg tablet, plus two glasses of milk per day). (I have been doing this.)
Plus - Exercise. Weight-bearing exercise, to try to keep those bones strong!
I still need this to be more consistent!
Another reason for exercise:
We are still watching a small hernia, just above my navel. Hopefully, it will not get bigger. He said, if we need to repair it, we will, but we certainly want to avoid surgery if we can (and greater risk for infection without my lymph nodes). So, for the next year, I need to concentrate on wearing elastic over it. (Just do it, Laura.)
AND... he did not say this, but I must be more consistent with stomach muscle exercises, specifically!
Everything is looking good. He re-checked a urine sample (as follow-up from a December test), and that was fine too.
That bursitis is better too! I took Naproxen for about a week, and my shoulder feels so much better!
So, my next CT Scan is July 27 (remember to wait 1 1/2 hours after drinking the contrast), and my next appointment with Dr. Malviya is August 5.
John and I were in our car on the way home by 8:00 pm. Yes, we were there about nine hours. John worked at his computer, and I walked about an hour (three times around the hospital campus) and did some reading/homework, and drew pictures (Ha!) with Nicole the art therapy intern that I just met. A day to celebrate and focus on the quality of life.
Choose Life
"This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that
I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses.
Now choose life, so that you and your children may live,
and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice,
and hold fast to him.
For the Lord is your life,
and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob."
Deuteronomy 30:19-20
as quoted in Prayers and Promises, When Facing a Life-Threatening Illness by Ed Dobson
Given to me by Janey (Trudell) Hennesey
From an Armenian Poem:
"What's left for me on earth?
Only what I have given to others."
From my notes, a translation
from a poem used by the Rev. Fr. Daron Stepanian
at the funeral the father of classmate Mike Mousigian 3-26-09
Dr. Malviya said it is time to move on and address issues for the quality of my future life, such as bone density. ("Future life" has a rather musical sound, I think.)
Since it has been over a year since my hysterectomy, we need to watch for signs of osteopenia (bone thinning) or osteoporosis (porous bone). So he prescribed, and I scheduled, a Dexascan ( for Monday. Wait, do I need insurance pre-approval, as I do for a CT scan? Too bad I did not think of this before the weekend. I will have to find out.)
He also emphasized that I need to make sure I am getting enough calcium (such as a combination of one 600 mg tablet, plus two glasses of milk per day). (I have been doing this.)
Plus - Exercise. Weight-bearing exercise, to try to keep those bones strong!
I still need this to be more consistent!
Another reason for exercise:
We are still watching a small hernia, just above my navel. Hopefully, it will not get bigger. He said, if we need to repair it, we will, but we certainly want to avoid surgery if we can (and greater risk for infection without my lymph nodes). So, for the next year, I need to concentrate on wearing elastic over it. (Just do it, Laura.)
AND... he did not say this, but I must be more consistent with stomach muscle exercises, specifically!
Everything is looking good. He re-checked a urine sample (as follow-up from a December test), and that was fine too.
That bursitis is better too! I took Naproxen for about a week, and my shoulder feels so much better!
So, my next CT Scan is July 27 (remember to wait 1 1/2 hours after drinking the contrast), and my next appointment with Dr. Malviya is August 5.
John and I were in our car on the way home by 8:00 pm. Yes, we were there about nine hours. John worked at his computer, and I walked about an hour (three times around the hospital campus) and did some reading/homework, and drew pictures (Ha!) with Nicole the art therapy intern that I just met. A day to celebrate and focus on the quality of life.
Choose Life
"This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that
I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses.
Now choose life, so that you and your children may live,
and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice,
and hold fast to him.
For the Lord is your life,
and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob."
Deuteronomy 30:19-20
as quoted in Prayers and Promises, When Facing a Life-Threatening Illness by Ed Dobson
Given to me by Janey (Trudell) Hennesey
From an Armenian Poem:
"What's left for me on earth?
Only what I have given to others."
From my notes, a translation
from a poem used by the Rev. Fr. Daron Stepanian
at the funeral the father of classmate Mike Mousigian 3-26-09