- "Where is all your curly hair?"
Hair cut #2 was Nov. 18
It was getting in my eyes!
The curls are mostly gone now, but there are still waves.
I think my Grandma Arlene would like it.
- New committee for me at church: "Igniting Ministries" (Evangelism)
I think part of the purpose of the committee is to remind the church of our primary purpose as Christ-followers: disciple-making.
- I also am involved in "First Adventures", a group at church that promotes keeping physically active for the health of our whole being. Does anyone else want to walk to church with me? To walk anywhere? Just to walk and chat? (John and I are also about to begin a walking program with our insurance company.)
-"Metro Bridges". A new group at church that connects people within city and suburbs. Monday night we gathered with some Second Grace friends, about 34 of us together.
- Choir. Sang at Royal Oak's "Holiday Parade" on our church front lawn, and also at a recent funerals. We also had a pot-luck this past week with voice-warming soup.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
More Catching Up - Short Spots
Posted by
9:02 PM
Medical Week
Mammogram Monday (Yes, my sister and another friend were also scheduled for Monday!)
(My results: fine. All good news is appreciated!)
Oncologist Wednesday (technically Thursday into the morning)
Primary Care Doctor O'Dowd Thursday a.m.
Dermatologist Dr. Harbeck Thursday p.m.
(Ophthalmologist Dr. Jardon next Thursday)
These appointments seem rather close to process well.
However, I am buoyed by the novelty and comic relief of the scheduling.
Not everyone one gets to see their doctor (Dr. Malviya) at 2:30 in the morning.
I am not scheduled to go back until June 9.
After a few hours sleep, I went on with the Thursday appointments.
A bonus: some dear friend-visiting-time between appointments.
Dr. Malviya streamlined my vitamins.
Dr. O'Dowd said I probably should not lift more than 20 pounds because of the hernia.
Just thought I would throw that in there.
Posted by
9:01 PM
Travel Week
- December 7 and 8 (Monday-Tuesday), I drove to Erie, PA to see Bonnie, and back.
- December 11 and 12 (Friday-Saturday), John and I drove up north to the folks' and cut our Christmas tree.
James and Sarah came up Saturday-Sunday to visit and help with the tree.
It was good to visit, and it was fun to walk through their fairy tale-like snow-covered woods! After we found and cut the "perfect" tree, Dad carried it back in the shovel of his tractor!
We showed pictures to Mom, who was sticking close to the house and her chair. Dad is taking good care of Mom up there.
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8:58 PM