John and I brought home a movie from the library last week on our anniversary, and just made time to watch it last night when I he got home from a meeting. It's called The Emperor's Club. (I would recommend seeing it before reading about it.)
The cover said it was "inspiring".
If a movie/book about a dog is "inspiring", it seems the dogs often die:
[I removed this list, in case anyone has not seen the movies/read the books I mentioned, and posted it in the "Comment" section, in case you do care to see the list.]
If a movie about a person is "inspiring", I wonder if a character might get cancer and die.
Not in this movie.
He is a teacher of western civilization at a boys' academy (and is played by Kevin Kline).
Main themes are integrity and hope.
John and I would watch it again (and would study it), and we recommend it!
The teacher teaches:
"Great ambition and conquest without contribution is without significance.
What will your contribution be?
How will history remember you?"
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
What Difference Will Your Life Make?
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9:21 AM
Monday, July 27, 2009
CT Scan Day
This morning, I had another CT scan.
After drinking a cup of "contrast", I walked around the hospital, inside and out. (Dr. Malviya likes an hour-and-a-half wait for the contrast to circulate.) I stopped over at Dr. Malviya's office and picked up a copy of my blood test from last week. (The CT people already had their copy; I just wanted to see the results myself.) The tests needed (for liver function) for the CT scan were fine, but my MCV (mean corpuscular volume) and eosinophils were high. I am not sure what that means yet. (Looked it up, but still not sure.)
But as I was walking around, I decided that if someone is starting to know where hospital drinking fountains are located, that might mean the person is too familiar with the hospital.
On the other hand, walking outside, enjoying the beautiful summer blue sky and soft breeze, I loved being there, close to the hospital, but outside.
I also thought my funniest experience so far in the day was noticing the signs on a about-waist-high-or-so brick wall parallel to the front of the hospital, along the pick-up lane: "For safety. Please do not sit on wall." I wondered if people used to sit there and to smoke. Maybe someone sat up there and fell backwards. I pictured Humpty-Dumpty. Legs flying up. A small amusement.
There is a mural over the CT table/machine of the Grand Canyon. Ah... Sometimes it is good to think of other places, even when it is good to be where we are. Life is bigger than Here.
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12:25 PM
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Happy #32 Anniversary John!
John and I met right after high school at our summer jobs as camp counselors at Camp Dearborn's Children's Resident Camp (the Children's Camp is now a golf course). Our boss was John Lance. We were married four years later on a hot hot July Saturday afternoon at my childhood church, Calvary Baptist (which was eventually sold to Hill Memorial Church of God in Christ, who warmly welcomed John and I on a visit years later) . My sister Bonnie was my Maid of Honor. Bridesmaids included John's sister Karen, and school friends Terry, Janey, and Nancy. John's Best Man was school/Camp friend Tom Hartley, and his Groomsmen were my brother Allan, seminary friends Mark S. and Warren, and MSU/Camp buddy Mark G.
John's mom and sister helped prepare the bridesmaid dresses and made the veils. And the women made their own dresses. It seemed like a good idea at the time to save money. (Yikes.) What good sports! Thank you!
Our reception was held in our church basement ("Fellowship Hall"), as were most I had attended at the time. The dinner was prepared with love by family friends, Gene and Leah Long. (It did not last too long, as there was no drinking or dancing - were not in my experience.) We spent the evening at my family's house, opening gifts and saying good-bye. Then John drove me off to see the mountains and the ocean for the first time.
Two years ago...
We spent our 30th anniversary in Kruger National Park, while on John's sabbatical in South Africa.
Ah, listening to the lions roar at night through our tent...
Last year...
James took us to dinner in our new town of Royal Oak, in the middle of chemotherapy sessions.
I was glad to be there, thankful to be with them.
To John:
This year...
More than ever, I am thankful, so thankful to be here.
So thankful for you, my husband.
I was just talking with my walking friend Sue C. about the gospel according to "Sabrina" (words of wisdom from a favorite movie) about living in and being thankful in the reality of life... right this mintute. (And not living in illusions.)
Long ago, when we were dating, and usually living far apart while in school/seminary, and so writing lots of pen-and-paper letters, you wrote a metaphor of a living, growing oak tree relationship, and its strength. And now, we are living in Royal Oak, and I appreciate the gift of your life, and our life together, this oak tree, more than ever.
I love you.
With joy...
Posted by
2:52 PM
Stretching Out July
Vacation - Part 2
We took a few days for a drive west to see dear friends.
(Unfortunately, sometimes we forgot about our camera.)
John and Laura Busch (yes, same first names; that's part of the charm) from Hartford, where we lived for 8 years, and where our children were born, and where I sometimes substitute taught, mostly at Red Arrow Elementary, where John B. has been principal, and where Carrie attended kindergarten and first grade). We had lunch in Lawrence. (I wanted all the desserts.)
Chicago areaTerry and Tom C. hosted us at Poundcake Farm (NW of Chicago), a lovely place of both peace and activity, with flower and vegetable gardens and even a baby deer sighting.
Good news/Good news: We were planning on Terry having a flexible schedule (fondly recalling joyous kitchen capers). As it turns out, we arrived just as Terry was beginning a new job! Good news for her! How gracious to have us anyway.
We had a (Brookfield) Zoo day with Terry and Tom.
Besides good talks and good food, we also enjoyed Poundcake and Paczki (their graceful playful greyhounds).While in town, we also caught up and ate with John's colleague/friend Dean Francis at Millennium Park.
Susan Smoley (school friend) and the Art Museum (new Modern Wing)
We met Susan on the Metra train, a couple stops down from Terry, and commuted into the City together for a museum visit. A quick spontaneous connection!
Barb B. from Hartford, who now lives near her sons by Indianapolis, and who gathered her family for an evening visit, including our introduction to her two lively, healthy grandsons!
We saw Stephen (we share our age) and Janet; and Matthew (wow, all grown up!, and who also wonderfully landscaped Barb's yard) and Jackie, who kindly gave us their evening.
And food, lots of good food. Ah.
Barb also brought us to church with her, St. Luke's United Methodist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana, where we "met" John Wesley (rather, experienced a first-person narrative by Rev. M. Bert Kite).
We are so thankful for our friends and their generous time and graciousness.
Travel notes...
John and I finished two audiobooks together in the car: David Baldacci's Camel Club stories (mysteries),
The Collectors and Stone Cold. They helped with my road-restlessness.
Yes, there is work to be done...
We celebrate life's joys, in the midst of everything.
Sadly, budget concerns often seem to cast shadows (even) over church/work life.
And we hold on to:
Do not sorry about anything,
but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving
let your requests be made known to God.
And the peace of God,
which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
(Philippians 4:6-7)
Posted by
1:42 PM
Monday, July 13, 2009
July So Far
(Photos on their way...)
Fourth of July
Visited church family campers and enjoyed a meal together!
is growing.
There are actually (green) tomatoes!
Called the exterminator again though for neighborhood rats.
Hopefully they will be gone before tomatoes are ready.
Vacation Time with John - Part 1
Visited Mom and Dad up north.
Went canoeing on the AuSable River with John for the first time.
(No sharp turns and tipping over and ruining camera this trip.)
It was really beautiful!
(John has been on this river with James and also with my dad.)
Look ahead, down the river, but also keep a shorter focus.
To the right at the shoreline: Great blue heron
Above, flying toward us: Bald eagle
To the left, just into the woods: a Doe
On the water's surface: Sometimes a reflection of the sky and clouds
Into the depths of the water: sometimes stones on the shallow bottom; sometimes dark expanse
(Of course, sometimes logs to be steered around!)
Back home...
and at a bridal shower for family friend Leanne!
Both Bonnie and Mom (with Dad) were in town for it.
Saw many other friends and family from Calvary days....
Vacation Sunday
Always fun to decide: where will we go today?
Visited the R.O. First Baptist Church today.
(Pastor - Dr. David Nichols - is a friend of John's from the community pastor's association.)
Really deep worshipful service.
Beautiful worshipful music with organist Min Sook Chung.
Difficult decisions ahead for them... preparing for a meeting this week.
The community has less families, decreasing over the last 40 years.
And there are many people for whom attending church is "not on the radar".
So what to do...
New directions and opportunities await.
(Some parallels with our own church...)
Closing Hymn:
My life is in You, Lord
My strength is in You, Lord
My hope is in You, Lord
In You, it's in You
I will praise You with all of my life
I will praise You with all of my strength
With all of my life
With all of my strength
All of my hope is in You
"Great Is Thy Faithfulness"
Posted by
2:23 AM
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Ordinary Time
Ordinary Time:
Sometimes recognized in churches as a season between Pentecost and Advent.
For me, this period has seemed rather an Ordinary Time.
Each ordinary moment being thankful for health.
Thursday, May 28
Carrie flew in to Detroit!
Company prep.Carrie helped a lot, including chopping veggies for taco salad and making a fruit tart and pecan pie
John's family
John's mom, John's sister Karen, Phil
Anita & son
Annemarie with daughters.
Friday, May 29
Drove up north - John, Laura, Carrie & James - our family!
to "Grandma and Grandpa Hall's" place
Walked in the fields and woods with Grandpa.
Ah, fresh air.
Ate yummy food.
Looked at photos with Grandma.
Saturday, May 30
Celebrated Grandpa's birthday!
Drove home to Royal Oak
(Have to keep track of where current "home" is.)
Sunday, May 31
Jason and Kaitlin came over for dinner,
along with our family and Sarah
Allan stopped by after work, and volunteered to take Carrie to the airport
Carrie left. :(
Still, we were glad she came!
Back to church for an 80th birthday party - Chris C.
Wednesday, June 10
Volunteer/help with registration at County Commissioner Gary Woronchak's Senior Conference in Dearborn. (high school classmate).
Invited John's mom to attend, and spent the night at her place in Dearborn. Wild PJ party. Ha.Friday, June 12
(Talked to George at English Gardens...)
Planted the garden!
Tomatoes - 8 plants (4 Chef Jeff Better Boy, 4 Chef Jeff Celebration)
Basil - 8 Chef Jeff - Green Bouquet (I think I am more used to "sweet" basil, but I did not see that variety the day I bought this.)
Green/Red Bell Peppers -1 Chef Jeff California Wonder; 2 Better Belle
Cilantro (Did not know it is also called coriander)
Parsley - 8 curly
Cucumbers - 4 bush
PD Rearick: Photographer /Cranbrook Master's Student (We know him from RO church)
John and I attented PD's photo exhibit "A Mid-Night Road Trip" in evening.
Wow. Very creative.
Saturday June 13
Classmate Gathering at Buca di Beppo in Livonia
Nice size for group conversations
John and I,
Marian and husband Tom and son Rob; Coy and wife Pola; Steve K.
Sunday June 14
Liturgist both worship services (readings)
Took a turn at the free water/lemonade station in front of the church for thirsty guests
at Royal Oak's Metal, Clay, and Glass Festival
Graduation Party for Jenny L.
Reminds me of other graduation parties in other places we have lived
Nice way to celebrate and visit with friends "old" and new
Wednesday June 17
Hauled hose around to water garden around fence John put up to protect plants from being eaten (someone started nibbling on one cucumber plant.)
Ran into a downspout extension with my shin. Ugh. Gash. At least it was through my long pants.
Am watching carefully for infection.
However, I am loving the lovely sight of those plants growing.
And yes, there is a certain peace of bending over, pulling out little weeds.
(Or is it my blood-pressure changing. Ha! Got that from my sister.)
Big weekend for the Tull Family.
Friday July 19, T.Jay and Ann's wedding.
Sunday, July 21, Kira's Grad party.
Lovely. (Photo: With classmates: Donna G., Kip T., Susan S.)
John and I also went to the Detroit River Fest for a boat ride on the Detroit River.
I love the feel of the wind in my face. (Photo: We are on Diamond Jack's River Boat -which was discounted for the Festival- looking toward Detroit and this police boat.)
Tuesday, June 30 Happy Birthday to my brother Allan!
-I have used sleepless nights to read novels (it did not matter if I remembered them).
-Darker Than Night by Tom Henderson (not fiction) - My dad's book, significant because it is the account of a case of two Detroit-area hunters, missing for 18 years, the mystery unfolding near where my folks live.
-The Veggie Gardener's Answer Book by Barbara W. Ellis (read and/or skimmer most of it)
-Currently meditatively reading: A Mystic Garden - Working with Soil, Attending to Soul, by Gunilla Norris, sent by long-time friend Barb B.
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1:36 AM