I was so looking forward to Carrie coming! And she brought Frank, who was fun to meet and who (many thanks!), helped with the long drive from Philadelphia.
However, there were some missing faces as well. Mom and Dad were not able to come, because Mom's pain and mobility issues have been worse lately. She has been faithfully seeing a physical therapist, but otherwise is mostly staying home, while Dad takes good care of her.
Carrie and Frank took a quick one-day (day-after-Thanksgiving) trip up north to see them with John and me. What fun!

Bonnie and Charlie also were not with us this year, but Bonnie did come home from the hospital (in Erie, PA) that morning and we spoke on the phone!
Otherwise, we all had a good time getting together at Allan's house for Thanksgiving!
John and I; Carrie and Frank; James and Sarah;
Allan and Heather and A.J; Kendall and Eric; Jason and Kaitlin;
Uncle Buel and Aunt Betty
Inez Hice (John's mom)