Saturday, February 2, 2008


The only person who could be more thrilled about the doctor discharging Laura from the hospital than me would be Laura. She is thrilled.

At the time of this writing, we are awaiting final instructions from her nurse. Then she will dress in the new sweats that we purchased last week for this occasion, be released from Providence Hospital 3 South, feel the cool of the air and smell the new-fallen snow as she climbs into the car.

God is good. Home awaits her. She smiles.


Anonymous said...

Dear Laura,
Jim and I are praying for you and John. The whole day care is praying and keeping you both in their thoughts. As I read your entire entries, I knew that you are doing better every day. We send you our love. Linda & Jim Tuttle

Anonymous said...

WELCOME HOME LAURA!!! place like home!
Especially your very own BED!!
Rest, nap and rest some more!
Judy B

Anonymous said...

great news, now let those men folk take care of you! You will find that sleep comes easier without hospital noise and with favorite pillows, and comfort objects.
( human and non human)When housekeeper duties demand, I can clean, and shop and do laundry so expect a follow up if you do not contact me first. I also assume you are keeping visitors and their germs away, but if there is a lift on that restriction, I am home in daytime if a companion is needed to relieve a family member. Debbie Valencia

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura and family--
So glad you are able to be home. You have been and will continue in my prayers. So glad you have a bolg so I can keep up with your progress. Best wishes to all.
Molly Turner

Anonymous said...

Hi, Laura---

I have already tried to post a comment to you earlier, but old age has set in and I am obviously not "blog savvy." But, of course, I never give up!

We have been following your progress and we are so thankful for all the encouraging news. What a blessing to have faith--so we can rejoice regardless. But we couldn't be happier to hear the optimism in all the reports and writings.

You are in our prayers daily and also in our very precious memories of the times we shared with you, John and your family.

Keep looking up! Dan and Sherry Schmalenberg

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura,
I am so glad to hear that you are done with surgery and on your way to recovery.
I haven't been on the computer in a couple of weeks so I am way behind on your progress.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura and family,

Just a short note to let you know I am thinking about you. Take care of yourselves.

Sue Chevalier

Anonymous said...

Dear Laura,

So glad you are home!! We think of you often and you are in our family prayer at dinnertime. Your spirit and strength are amazing. It's so good to hear the encouraging news from the doctors. Thank you to your family for the continual updates on the blog. Take care and let yourself be taken care of!

Sue, Hans and Grace Schaefer

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura,
What wonderful news we heard at church this morning! You are back home where you belong! God is Good, All the Time. All the Time, God is Good!
Continued prayers for a speedy recovery, you are missed!
Robin and Michael Clowers
PS Thanks for the new instructions for those of us who are "blog challenged"!

Anonymous said...

Its so great to hear that you are
home! We both saw John for a moment this morning. We have watched for news each day, and
rejoice in your progress. You
all are in our prayers daily.
My morning prayers usually are
around 7 a.m. then we think of
you often throughout the day.
I have asked friends in other
churches to join us in prayer.

Thanks for setting up this blog/
Bob and Deanie

Anonymous said...

Very pleased to hear that you are home Laura. I sense that this blog is a real comfort to those of us who can not be with you! May you be comforted by our virtual hugs and daily prayers for continued healing and strengthening of your body.

Tami B