Ah, tonight was "Disciple Bible Study", that 34-week class John and I are co-leading this year. Well, we have been until my surgery in January. Then I was not even able to do my homework or come to class, much less be a leader. But the last two weeks, I came for half the class time (one of the two hours). And tonight, I got to help him lead again. Other classmates have been graciously taking turns co-leading with John. How lovely to share their unique gifts in unexpected ways.It was good to be back. I so appreciated everyone filling in. But I knew that there will be other times they will be needed again. So this last week of chemo cycle #1, I figured I should have enough energy to do my homework and do my part.
I love being with them. They are busy with families and work and other volunteer activities. Some are helping as overnight hosts at church for "Hospitality Week" (a rotating shelter for people who are currently without an address) and other tasks. But they make it a priority to spend time with God each week - each day - to read and study his word, to really dig in to the context of the writing and to find application for their lives. They also pray for each other daily.
We met at Jan and Larry's tonight, as the church is full with our week's overnight guests. What warm hospitality. There are 16 of us, and if one is ever missing, they are sorely missed and prayed for.
Oh, how they love one another. Certainly, this is Beloved Community.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
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11:59 PM
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Hi Laura. Even though this note is not a "comment", I still wanted to write to you. Today was the beginning of cycle 2 for you. I am hopeful that your day went well. I pray for your presence in each day. It is my biggest hope that you have momments in your days that you aren't living only in the cancer world. There is so much more to you than this part. Granted, it is huge. However, so is your life. I wish you many parts to your days when the cancer leaves your thinking.....
cindy ferriman
Laura, I got caught up on my disciple as I monotored the hall at HHWeek at church and I also prayed all day Wed as I knew you had you second visit to the infusion room. My daughter checked into you site from Argentina only to find her parents' faces smiling at her...technogoly is so very helpful for all to stay connnected and you do a great job helping us who are all concerned about you too. Debbie Valencia
I'm all clear now of the dreadful virus bug. I told John I wanted to help. Just let me know what and when.
More virtual hugs xoxo
Tami Bethune
Laura, We haven't heard from you since your second chemo treatment. We are wondering if all is well and how you are doing. We keep our prayers going for you, John and your family. Peace, Pat and Ron K.
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