Saturday, February 26, 2011

Two Celebrations

Sometimes I wake up, not quite ready for the new day (not having had quite enough sleep).
But one recent morning, I awoke feeling particularly wonderful.
Wonderful and well!
One explanation is that a recent cold was going away, and that I was breathing clearly.
Ah, the simple joy of breathing!

John and I finally got to try out the Cross Country Ski Headquarters near Roscommon with our activities group from church a few weeks ago. A lovely trip!

On the drive up, John and I stopped at my parents' house. John was still in the back room chatting with my dad, and I was catching up with my mom. Then she asked me to go to a closet and bring out some old dresses that had belonged to grandmothers. One looked like a nightgown. One was made by a great-grandmother. One was surprisingly elegant. I tried them all on (and modeled them for the men). What fun! It had been such a long day and a long drive in the dark and snow. But then I laughed and played with my mom.

How easily I can let stress color... everything.

How thankful I was, and am, for my mom who brought out my playfulness.

"This is the day that the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24 NIV

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