Sunday, August 31, 2008


So. I am contemplating involvement with a cancer support community. I do not know what that might mean. But it makes me think about my identity and definition. Hmm... Part of a cancer group...

I can think of identity extremes, from one end as a regular Death Machine headed straight toward destruction.
At an opposite extreme, there could be Done-with-Chemo-Done-with-Cancer, Forever Free and Going to Live Forever Like Everyone Else.

Those are both extreme, of course. I did get as close as "I am not dying today!" when I got impatient waiting for CT results. I then moved into "I am living today!"

But generally, I live in places in between. I sometimes listen to descriptions of identity from others, and decide whether or not to affirm them for myself. For example, at my last doctor visit, Dr. Malviya said "You are a walker." Hmm. I like that and want to keep it, and am trying to live up to it.

Also, after a comment that my hair(-lessness) has worked out well for the summer, he said I looked for the good. Hmm. I like that too, and want to keep it, and want to live up to it.

Another identity piece that I like to hold on to:
"...I have called you by name; you are mine.....
You are precious and honored in my sight, and I love you....."
(God's message in Isaiah 43:1b,4a)