Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Chemotherapy #7

Today was Chemotherapy # 7.
8:00 a.m until about 1:30 or so.

All went fine.. just one needle poke.

Before the steroids wore off, and in case my feet start hurting or getting numb, I wanted to get a load of laundry done.
So that is done!

Karen and Anna and Russell also brought over a thoughtfully prepared dinner. It is especially fun to see them, as it is also a little time to visit.

We also had a lovely "Meet & Greet" with a group from the congregation last night, graciously hosted by Josh and Liz. I had to leave early though when I remembered I was due for a dose of steroids at 8 p.m., 5 tabs 12 hours prior to chemo. The second dose was at 2:00 a.m., 5 more tabs 6 hours prior to chemo.

By now, my face is starting to feel the "chemo burn".

Tomorrow I return to the clinic for my Neulasta shot (for bone marrow protection). Then I expect to feel more aches and for my feet to be affected. However, I do expect to feel much better in about a week!

In the meantime, my Homecoming/Class Reunion events are thrown in the mix. I will be glad to see everyone!