Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sunday in Comins

John and I went to church this morning with Mom and Dad at Comins Mennonite Church. (We noticed there were more people in their "little country church" than in the larger churches we have been visiting on our trips to Philly.) What a nice service ("Compassion" theme) and Sunday School, and what a feeling of community. It was also very welcoming to hear them say that they have been praying for me. Thank you.

Reading. I just finished reading a book that my mom had found, called Flame of Anger (by Eric Clark), an African missionary novel written in the 1960's. It is always interesting to see different perspectives of different times.

1 comment:

An Ami in Berlin said...

Laura, I have just finished reading almost all of the posts on your blog, often with tears. God has called you all to a point of deep suffering, but is showing that when all is stripped away, there is purest gold there. I have been ministered to and encouraged by your journey, and want you to know that I will continue praying for you and John and the kids. May God continue to give you His grace, as He is so evidently doing. With love and prayers, Lyn