Saturday, June 7, 2008

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

It is not everyday I would have such an exotic title.

While otherwise enjoying walks through the woods and fields, John apparently encountered some of what we have heard described as a "bumper crop" of dog ticks (or wood ticks). We later found (
and removed) a couple latched onto his skin (arm and back). While at his regularly scheduled checkup Monday, his doctor put him on antibiotics, just in case. (No signs of illness, mainly in the interest of taking care of me.)

I appear to have been spared from a tick-attack (as a friend termed it). I was mostly covered up with a hat and long sleeves and slippery light-colored hiking pants tucked into my socks. A couple times, I brushed something off that I assumed was a little spider. Who knows? So enjoy the woods and fields, but keep watch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Laura, I remember my friend, Stacey, telling me that when she was on chemo she felt better and protected that the cancer was being treated, so maybe as you are taking the extra chemo treatments you will feel that way too!
Elizabeth H.