Thursday, July 23, 2009

Stretching Out July

Vacation - Part 2
We took a few days for a drive west to see dear friends.
(Unfortunately, sometimes we forgot about our camera.)

John and Laura Busch (yes, same first names; that's part of the charm) from Hartford, where we lived for 8 years, and where our children were born, and where I sometimes substitute taught, mostly at Red Arrow Elementary, where John B. has been principal, and where Carrie attended kindergarten and first grade). We had lunch in Lawrence. (I wanted all the desserts.)

Chicago area

Terry and Tom C. hosted us at Poundcake Farm (NW of Chicago), a lovely place of both peace and activity, with flower and vegetable gardens and even a baby deer sighting.

Good news/Good news: We were planning on Terry having a flexible schedule (fondly recalling joyous kitchen capers). As it turns out, we arrived just as Terry was beginning a new job! Good news for her! How gracious to have us anyway.

We had a (Brookfield) Zoo day with Terry and Tom.

Besides good talks and good food, we also enjoyed Poundcake and Paczki (their graceful playful greyhounds).

While in town, we also caught up and ate with John's colleague/friend Dean Francis at Millennium Park.

Susan Smoley (school friend) and the Art Museum (new Modern Wing)
We met Susan on the Metra train, a couple stops down from Terry, and commuted into the City together for a museum visit. A quick spontaneous connection!

Barb B. from Hartford, who now lives near her sons by Indianapolis, and who gathered her family for an evening visit, including our introduction to her two lively, healthy grandsons!
We saw Stephen (we share our age) and Janet; and Matthew (wow, all grown up!, and who also wonderfully landscaped Barb's yard) and Jackie, who kindly gave us their evening.
And food, lots of good food. Ah.
Barb also brought us to church with her, St. Luke's United Methodist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana, where we "met" John Wesley (rather, experienced a first-person narrative by Rev. M. Bert Kite).

We are so thankful for our friends and their generous time and graciousness.

Travel notes...
John and I finished two audiobooks together in the car: David Baldacci's Camel Club stories (mysteries),
The Collectors and Stone Cold. They helped with my road-restlessness.

Yes, there is work to be done...
We celebrate life's joys, in the midst of everything.
Sadly, budget concerns often seem to cast shadows (even) over church/work life.
And we hold on to:

Do not sorry about anything,
but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving
let your requests be made known to God.
And the peace of God,
which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
(Philippians 4:6-7)

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