Friday, May 23, 2008

Disciple Friends

Sunday evening was Lesson #34, our final Disciple Bible Study with this group of sixteen. What a good year together! We worshiped and prayed together and shared remembrances and the Lord's Supper.

A common perception change over the year was of the relevance of the Old Testament, and of the God of the Old Testament being a God of "grace and forgiveness, rather than an angry God". He was "always there, loving, with his arms wide open". "We are connected all the way back" to the time of the Patriarchs. Also mentioned was the application of our lessons to our prayer life and to home and every part of life.

Classmates represented a variety of ages and family situations and church backgrounds and years (or months) at this church. But they listened to each other with respect and care. They participated with dedication and insight and creativity, and they are making the world a better place beyond the classroom. They are Jesus' disciples.

We are letters written on each others' hearts.

II Corinthians 3:1-6

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Laura, Deanie and I appreciated
your sharing in the bulletin
on Sunday, and also in your
Journal. Truly God loves us
and finds ways to communicate
with us. A while back, I read
in a book about prayer, that
as we praise him for the ways
he blesses, we come up with
"I am grateful that God is God"
That thought grows on me.
Bob and Deanie McFarling